This page essentially exists so you can get to your course’s individual page if the site doesn’t display properly on your screen. Everything ought to be accessible from the top and side menus if it’s working as it’s supposed to.
PSCI103 Physical Science (old)
PHYS101: Physics for Science and Mathematics I (old)
PHYS102: Physics for Science and Mathematics II (running now)
PHYS110: Introductory Physics (old)
PHYS200: Mechanics (old)
PHYS201: Electricity and Magnetism (old)
PHYS310/311: Thermodynamics (running now)
PHYS312: Mathematical Methods for Physicists (old)
PHYS313 / PHYS413: Junior/Senior Lab (old)
PHYS403: Classical Mechanics (old)
PHYS409: Solid State Physics (old)
PHYS450: Topics (various)
PHYS491/492/493: Research In Physics (running now)
Student Feedback Welcome!
For students looking to submit anonymous feedback with this form, please include your course number / section as your name so I can consider your suggestions in the right environment. You’ll also need to fudge the email… something like works. Thanks!